Myths about the Midlife Funk:
The Midlife Funk is inevitable and getting over it has to be hard and take a long time.
Stress, overwhelm, overreacting, and feeling out of control go hand in hand with adulting.
There’s something wrong with you and that’s why all the things you’ve tried before haven’t worked.
In order to finally let go of all the expectations, mistakes, trying to please everyone, etc (instead of just pretending to feel better) you have to change everything all at once.
Truths about Change:
Reaching your 40s and beyond - "midlife" - is an opportunity for renewal, growth and rediscovering your own greatness.
Stress is the result of feeling like you have little or no control over your circumstances, worrying about what's coming, and feeling tied to the past.
Releasing the past, clearing beliefs and patterns that are holding you back, and focusing on your deep wants and talents activates that greatness, allows you to release the Midlife Funk, minimuize the stress, and live a life with no regrets.
You can create change faster than you thought possible with the right tools, used in the right order, in a way that work for you.
What if you could finally ditch the Midlife Funk, shake off the stress, get past that thing in your past and move on with your life?
What if you could finally accept yourself just the way you are? Even with all those traits you currently think are flaws and all those decisions and choices you think were mistakes?
What if you could create your life with total self trust and self love, from a place of inner power, self leadership, and self confidence?
You know, the kind of life where you have the time, experiences, relationships, meaningful work and the freedom to enjoy it all?
Here’s a secret: you can!
Don’t shake your head...I can totally sense your doubty head shake!
The thing is, that type of life has probably felt far, far away or nearly impossible so far, am I right? You thought you'd be in a different place than where you actually are at this age, right? You thought you were doing all the right things, taking care of the people in your life, ticking all the right boxes, following all the right pathways, come you ended up here?
Feeling burned out
Mistrusting your own decisions and choices,
Not really knowing where you fit in,
Juggling all the expectations and responsibilities,
Wondering if there is more to life than this...
And that's just the present. Did you also have something happen in your past that made you lose confidence, trust, and faith in yourself and you’ve been struggling ever since? You’re still dealing with the fallout of it - emotionally, mentally, spiritually, possibly even physically?
Am I right?
And since then you’ve had a hard time:
- Asking for and receive the type of support you crave from your loved ones?
- Achieving the highest good for your family?
- Breaking the “bad” habits and limiting beliefs and finally being the best version of you?
- Not second guessing every single decision you make?
- Believing in yourself and that you’re enough, worthy and that what you want matters, too?
- Navigating and getting through this Midlife Funk that everyone says is so "normal?"
Did you say yes to any of those?
Great!!! Then, you’re totally in the right place.
Here’s the thing, if nothing changes then nothing changes, right?
Duh, Kasia! You know that already!
You’ve already tried all the things to help yourself and kept falling flat.
It’s not a matter of changing everything so that everything changes, though.
The secret is to change specific things that actually work for you so that you begin to see and feel the shifts that you want to see and feel:
Less stress, overwhelm & worry.
More joy in your present moments.
Hope and optimism about your future.
Imagine for a moment a world where you could:
Stop judging yourself for being yourself.
Get through the Midlife Funk fast - faster than you thought possible and even faster than what society says is possible or acceptable.
Drop the shame and guilt of not being more upset over things that you wants to change or let go of.
Be ready to embrace that this is who you are and you don't have to apologize to anybody.
Have healthy boundaries and clear communication in all your relationships.
Create the meaning and fulfillment that fills your own soul to bursting with happiness.
Stop allowing other people’s opinions to have such a weight on you anymore.
Feel good about taking time for yourself.
Feel confident that you can feel safe and in control no matter what circumstances come up.
Release all expectations that have been placed on you and that you've placed on yourself, and only keep the ones that you want, the ones that make sense, and the ones that feel good to you.
Make decisions because they’re good for you and make you feel powerful and successful.
Seriously! That world is real.
And you can get it by tapping into your inner powerful self and refocusing your energy in specific ways on what matters to you most.
I want to introduce you to my Inside Out Powerful Way.
Discover the techniques and transformational questions I’ve taught my clients to dramatically change their stress level and outer circumstances by changing their inner world and tapping into their powerful selves.
These are the most powerful strategies and healing processes I’ve used to release and heal the limiting beliefs, perspectives, hurts, expectations and secret shame that kept me suicidally depressed, chained to the past and unable to move forward (or feel happy) in the present and build a meaningful and fulfilling future.
You won’t just be trying a bunch of things, hoping for the best or trying to think positive while fighting your willpower.
“Kasia is an inspiration to those who are looking to make life altering changes within to find who they truly are at the core. This course she has created specifically for women like myself has brought about an amazing shift in my perception and spiritual growth.” Safira Vinci
Let me take you back to what my life and mental state were like before I implemented all of that:
it was not pretty!
I felt like I was constantly pretending to be happy because I “should” be. I had an amazing husband, 2 healthy kids, the house, the car, the corporate career, but inside I couldn’t feel grateful for any of it. I resented being a mom. I hated being alive, and I was convinced that I was the most broken woman in the world because moms aren’t supposed to feel that way.
And the shame I felt was eating me from the inside out.
I constantly and desperately searched for the solution that would finally fix me and make my life better. I went back to school. Changed careers.
I felt like I had missed some important memo about how to be happy in life.
I was jealous of all the women I knew who genuinely loved being mothers and had fulfilling lives that brought them so much joy.
I hated myself for making so many mistakes in my finances, in my relationships, in my parenting.
I was always sad and frustrated with everything. My poor husband!
And I was burned out. It had been 13 years of desperation, self loathing, anxiety and feeling like a failed human being.
And then I turned 40 and it hit me: I thought I would be in a way different place in my life than where I ended up. I thought I would be happier, more successful, know myself better, be more abundant and....less fucked up!
So I stopped the search. I stopped trying all the things. And I gave myself space.
In that space of self reflection I realized I had been asking the wrong questions, looking at healing work all backwards, and not actually implementing the the things that really worked to create what I wanted!
As soon as I shifted into using the tools I already had just a little bit differently, shit started to change for me!
I became more mindful, present and even happy!
The Midlife Funk became my biggest opportunity instead of a punishment or another reason to beat myself up, judge myself and make myself wrong.
I released toxic relationships with more ease and I attracted deep and authentic friendships into my life.
I became even more committed to my work and so much clearer on how to help women heal.
I made more time for myself, quality time with my family and what mattered most to me.
I fell in love with myself.
It didn’t all happen overnight. But it happened faster than I thought possible. In the span of several months I not only felt better inside, I began to see my outer world shift, too.
Today, after practicing these new habits and techniques I don’t recognize myself or my life. 13 years of desperate searching and trying all the things didn’t get me here. A few short, focused, properly aligned healing and energy focusing strategies expedited the whole process I was so desperate to find.
So, if all it takes is a few tweaks, powerful questions, and healing practices, why isn’t ever woman blissfully happy, living the life she wants?
Most women are coming at their Midlife Funk, stress, and healing from the wrong perspective, using modalities that don’t work for the stage of change they’re in, and not focusing their energy in a way that actually produces REAL TRANSFORMATION.
They also don’t get at the heart of what’s actually hurting at their core. They’re chipping away at what they think is the problem without making much real progress. Kind of like beating around the bush without getting to the point.
Because so many of them don’t know where to begin, how to dig down accurately, or how to release what they find from their physical, mental and energetic bodies.
They hope for the best, try a few things, and when that doesn’t work, they move on to looking for the next fix.
Does that sound like anything you’ve experienced? It can stop right here.
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"This course definitely makes you think about the why's - why you feel like you do, why you do the things you do because you feel the way you do. I definitely experienced mental and emotional growth. It helped me figure out what my problem is! I realized what's held me back. I am more focused now which is a big step for me." ~ Jewel W.
So, what’s included in this Midlife Funk system of mine, you ask?
- Lifetime access to all modules and updates.
- Actionable course workbook.
- 21 videos teaching and guiding you through each part of the course.
- All my most powerful healing and clearing scripts with explanations of how and when to use them.
- The tools I use to focus my energy towards what I want and manage my emotional wellbeing (especially when things feel hard and I’m freaking out – yep, I still have the occasional one).
Here’s how the course is laid out:
Module 1: Freedom Compass – guiding principles for healing, self acceptance & success in manifesting exactly what you want.
Module 2: Clean Up Your Past – identifying and clearing out the negative emotions, limiting beliefs, judgments and old habits that you can’t take with you into the future that you’re creating.
Module 3: Clean Up Your Present – The past can have very, very long tentacles and those old emotions, beliefs, and habits are wreaking havoc on your present. Using specifically focused questions and exercises we identify exactly what those are and clear them out.
Module 4: Clean Up Your Future – This module is all about making sure that the only habits, emotions, and intentions you keep are the ones you want to have with you in the future. And if there are still some sneaky old emotions and beliefs that would sabotage your future, we identify and clear them out.
Pay In Full $297
3 Payments of $100
Women ready to stop their desperate search for the thing that will fix them and finally heal and move on with their life.
Women who are on a spiritual path, take responsibility for themselves and believe in possibilities for themselves.
Women who are ready to do whatever it takes, dive as deep as they need to, and stubbornly focus on what they want.
Women who want to ignite their self confidence, self trust and accept themselves fully, flaws and all.
Women who are ready to forgive themselves (and others) and get started creating what they want in their life on their terms.
Women who want to continue to argue for their limitations and why nothing works for them.
Women who chronically complain but aren’t ready to participate in creating the changes they crave.
Women who want a magic “quick fix” wand that will save them from their problems.
How long does this course take?
It’s laid out to take approximately 6 weeks if you work on it 25-30 minutes per day, 5 days a week.
How long do I have access to this course?
Forever! Register for this course and you have lifetime access and all updates as I discover new tools to add in.
What format is the course delivered in?
The course materials are shared as video and workbook format. There are two versions of the workbook, one with journaling spaces and one without, in case you want to use your own special journal. All the clearing scripts are in printable format so you can access them easily.
Could I just find this information for free online?
You can find just about anything online these days, but does that mean it’s actually valuable, actionable and tells you how to best implement it for your stage of the healing journey?
Not usually. One of the reasons I created this course is because there is so much information out there about healing, self love, self confidence, and tapping into inner power, but it’s not all in one place and it’s not always clear how to begin using it or where to begin taking action. I will always update Inside Out Powerful as I discover new resources and strategies so you never have to worry about missing out on something new that works.
"I have to say I feel a lot lighter. I have felt shifts as far as my past and issues I have that stemmed from my relationship with my mother. That is what drew me to this course: healing the past wounds. Overall my shifts have been my attitude toward myself. I definitely feel like I am more gentle with myself. I recommend this course for those that really want to heal. Like you said, we tend to lie to ourselves so it's for someone that is ready to be totally honest with themselves." S. Reynolds
It’s your time to love yourself more and to do big things.
If you want to finally move past that thing in your past and move on with your life, create those loving, deep relationships, have the time, freedom and experiences you want, and feel confident yourself, then Inside Out Powerful Course is the step by step system you need to make it happen.
"I learned that: It's okay for me to walk away and not give a damn about what falls apart or who might be disappointed. I am not responsible for the collateral damage someone may suffer or thinks they will suffer because of my actions to make myself happy, I finally get it. It's my feelings about my actions that matter. If I do something that disappoints you, that's your problem to work through it, not my problem to give in and make you happy at the expense of my own happiness. If I walk away from anything and it collapses because I am no longer there, putting it back together or fixing it, it is not my responsibility. Isn't that what we're all trying to achieve is our happiness and to feel good about ourselves and what we do?" ~ Alene W.
You have two choices.
You could keep trying to figure all of this stuff out on your own (which often takes even the most hard-working and intelligent women years to do).
You could take my strategies and get massive results (and relief) in a matter of weeks.
Think about where you want to be six weeks from now…or even ONE week from now.
Do you have a proven plan to get there? To heal and release your past so it stays in the past and becomes wisdom instead remaining of a ball & chain?
You can use the step by step process I use with my clients to heal their old stories and help them tap into their powerful selves to create the lives they want, on their own terms.
What will you choose?
Pay In Full $297
3 Payments of $100
You don't have to take my word for it, here's what Omni had to say: